Does your educational institution create its own online learning courses or resources?
0%We don't have online learning
Almost overnight, eLearning became a household name in 2020 when most schools were forced to look for alternative ways to offer continuity of education as the world shut down.
Then, just as quickly, eLearning got a bad name as most of the content put out there was created in a hurry by educators who didn’t know much about the principles of online learning, the medium, or the format.
What happened after this sudden online learning boom?
A large majority ditched eLearning with a collective sigh of relief upon returning to traditional classrooms.
Others saw the benefits and continued by investing heavily in LMS or EdTech solutions.
Yet others (sigh!) diverted their time and resources to create courses in-house thinking who better to do this than their own able teachers.
Why waste money when you have a team of educators, right? Well, we busted some of those myths in our previous blog, but enough about that.
What’s this post for educators about then? Well, this one’s about why you should continue with what you are doing, and not engage an eLearning consultancy firm.
Continue on your current path and don’t engage an eLearning Consultancy because:

It doesn’t make sense how much money it saves leveraging the expertise and the tech tools eLearning companies already have.
E-learning consultancy and development firms have specialised expertise in instructional design, technology, and pedagogy, ensuring a high-quality e-learning experience for students.

It doesn’t make sense how it creates a coherent learning experience with the resources, courses, and recommendations made by eLearning experts.
Having worked over hundreds of projects, keeping in touch with the latest technology, being aware of UX and UI design principles, eLearning experts design and develop engaging and user-friendly e-learning programs that meet the needs of students and educators.

It doesn’t make sense how much time and effort it saves teachers to focus on what they do best: teach in classrooms with a passion and focus on students.
Teachers are skilled at teaching in the dynamic environment of the classroom. An eLearning expert is skilled at moulding that teaching into interactive, engaging formats online, making it learner-centric. We’re not saying they can’t switch roles. Not much is impossible with the right training. Not unless you don’t have the time to invest in your most valuable resource: your teachers.

It doesn’t make sense how it helps with the professional development of your own teachers and staff.
Yes, eLearning isn’t only for students. A good consultancy will be able to see the performance or knowledge gap of your teachers and offer them continuous professional development.

It doesn’t make sense how it takes away the stress of keeping up with new tech tools.
A good eLearning consultancy and development firm will provide ongoing support and maintenance for the e-learning platform you choose and the courses they create. They will fix bugs, enhance user experience based on feedback, and ensure that it continues to meet the needs of the school and its students.

It doesn’t make sense how it brings curriculum to life with relevant use of multimedia.
eLearning experts are trained to understand and analyse the content to present it in interactive, multimedia-rich courses. They can enhance student engagement and outcomes with games, videos, and simulations that align with your curriculum.

It doesn’t make sense to have consistency of courses when different teachers with different styles and skills can create a range of assets of varying quality.
eLearning companies with their dedicated team of professionals and decades of experience in ID, UX, UI, and LX will create style guides. They will create and work with a central learning design principle to create consistent materials. Teachers can be as original as they want in the classroom, but online at least, students will have consistently curated quality content.

It doesn’t make sense for students to have a personalised learning plan and experience.
Sure, your staff can also arrive at this too. Eventually. But eLearning professionals can help you set it up in a fraction of the time. They are experienced in:
Setting up adaptive tests
Knowing which learning objectives are best with automated feedback and which need teacher intervention and support
Catering to different learning styles with a variety of assets and courses with options

It doesn’t make sense to have no thrill of trial and error that comes with scouring thousands of EdTech solutions.
You can try one EdTech solution after another or try your own “cheaper” assets. However, an eLearning consultant is not duty-bound to promote any one particular tool or asset. They will assess your requirements and recommend relevant solutions to you. And if you happen to find one that cares more about learning and growth, they will recommend cost-effective ones too!

It doesn’t make sense to have scalability when you can continue to use your finite teaching resources to address ever-growing student needs and keep up with evolving EdTech.
Still getting every teacher to create their own MCQs? With automated grading and feedback tools, a large number of assignments can be accurately graded. Immediate feedback explaining the incorrect choice can be provided to help students self-correct. Summative feedback on the correct choice can help reinforce the concepts even more. All of this frees up the teachers’ time to focus on higher-value tasks.
And because we always give our clients something extra, here’s a bonus reason for you! It just doesn’t make sense how good eLearning consultants are able to prioritise your requirements and offer the most relevant solutions for your budget. They challenge the status quo and bring so much more to the table.